How to Wear a Tennis Elbow Brace | livestrong

2022-10-08 10:42:28 By : Ms. Lucky Chen

If you feel pain as you leap to punch an easy floater for the game-winning volley on the tennis court, you may have a case of tennis elbow. But it's not just tennis players that experience this overuse injury — other activities, from carpentry to using a computer mouse, can lead to it. Regardless of the cause, wearing a tennis elbow brace (aka a counterforce brace) can help ease symptoms.

Here's more on other treatment options you can explore with your family physician, as well as tennis elbow symptoms and what to look for in an arm brace.

Tennis elbow — which is also known by the more official term lateral epicondylitis, according to the Mayo Clinic — is "chronic irritation, tightness and scaring of the finger and wrist extensor tendons and (possibly) muscles that insert into the outside of the elbow," explains Alex McDonald, MD, a family physician with Kaiser Permanente.

Tennis elbow is most commonly seen in adults ages 30 to 50 years of age, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS).

And, despite its name, you don't need to play tennis to develop this condition. Golfers can experience it, as can people in certain professions that require intense repetitive motions, such as painting, carpentry work, butchering and even jobs where it's common to wield a computer mouse for hours at a time, per the Mayo Clinic.

If you've got a case of tennis elbow, it's probably due to overuse, whether because of a sport you play or a job you hold. Some of the most common symptoms, per the Cleveland Clinic, include the following:

The treatment for tennis elbow depends on the severity of your particular case. These are the most common options to address the pain, according to Dr. McDonald:

Up to 95 percent of people find these nonsurgical tactics meaningful, according to the AAOS.

Do Tennis Elbow Braces Work?

Studies point to the merits of using a tennis brace.

For instance, a February 2019 study in ​Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery ​found that counterforce braces may reduce pain in the short term (from 2 to 12 weeks) and may improve overall function in the long term (26 weeks).

And, while physiotherapy interventions may lead to better results, counterforce braces "[are] a reasonable strategy to alleviate pain over the short term," per a meta-analysis of 17 studies published in July 2020 in the journal ​Prosthetics and Orthotics International​.

There are many simple wrist and elbow strap braces on the market and while fitting one property doesn't require a physical therapy appointment, it's not a bad idea, Dr. McDonald says. "I also recommend that folks be evaluated by their family physical to ensure the correct diagnosis too," he adds.

Use a tennis brace as directed (either on the packaging, or by your physician or physical therapist).

The tennis elbow strap should sit about one inch below your elbow. Place the pressure pad directly over the sore spot and tighten until it feels snug yet comfortable.

Here's more information to help you choose the right brace for your needs.

The Best Tennis Elbow Arm Braces

Aim to consult with your doctor or a physical therapist to choose the right brace for your particular body. Here are a few you might consider for tennis elbow pain:

"As part of a comprehensive stretching and strengthening routine, bracing can be very helpful to reduce aggravating activities," Dr. McDonald says.

He recommends wearing it at night when it's more difficult to be aware of your wrist and elbow position while you're snoozing (adjust your brace so it's snug while you sleep, but not overly tight).

Over-the-counter pain relief can also help with pain. Try acetaminophen (aka Tylenol) or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), per AAOS.

You can also try wearing a compression sleeve or Ace wrap, Dr. McDonald says. These will help "to support the elbow and limit aggravating activity." It's also smart to keep a backup strap handy in your tennis bag in case you experience a flare-up.

The key to seeing improvement, notes Dr. McDonald, is stretching the affected area and working to make it stronger. "Without this, other remedies have limited utility."

But most of all, be patient. "There's no one solution that works for everybody so I often suggest trying several options," Dr. McDonald says.

For tennis players – and other athletes — improperly fitted equipment could increase your risk of developing tennis elbow, according to AAOS. A racquet with a smaller head may help. Or use a stiffer racquet that's strung more loosely, per AAOS.

Still curious about treating tennis elbow and how the healing process works? We've got answers:

A case of chronic tennis elbow may mean a trip to the operating room.

"The longer the tightness and irritation continues, the harder it may be to treat, requiring more aggressive intervention and, in very rare situations, surgery may be necessary," Dr. McDonald says.

Your best bet: Catch it early. Be aware of the symptoms and don't ignore the pain or try to play through it.

If caught early, "tennis elbow can be easily treated within days to weeks," Dr. McDonald says. Still, some cases may take several months and even more than a year to completely heal.

There's good news on the healing front. The vast majority of those with tennis elbow do get better (and without surgery) and are cleared to resume their normal activities, per the Cleveland Clinic. That said, symptoms can linger for six to 18 months.

Left untreated, your tennis game won't improve and you could be in for a great deal of discomfort. "Pain and weakness is often the worst outcome here, without major consequences, but tennis elbow can end up becoming very painful and limiting to your activity," Dr. McDonald says.

Movement can equal healing in this case. "I don't recommend immobilization in any position, whether bent or straight, so keep up the daily stretching as working on your range of motion is key to recovery," Dr. McDonald says.

Is this an emergency? If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, please see the National Library of Medicine’s list of signs you need emergency medical attention or call 911.